2024 Group Processes Conference Program
8:00 am – 8:30 am Light Breakfast, Coffee, and Then Convene
8:30 am – 9:45 am Regular Session I: Pro- and Civic Sociality
Perceptions of Asian-Origin Workers: The Role of Sociability and Perceived Job Fit (Stephen Benard, Anna Russian, Bianca Manago, Soocheol Cho, and Youngjoo Cha)
Beyond Anchors: Reference Points in Jury Deliberations (Mary R. Rose and Shari Seidman Diamond)
Predicting Prosocial Behavior from Culture and Ego Networks(Nicolas L. Harder, Matthew E. Brashears, and Valerie Barron)
Sing Along with the Common People: An Experimental Study of the Effect of Contact across Socioeconomic Groups in Prosocial Behavior (Bernardo Mackenna)
9:45 am – 10:00 am Break and Gather for Next Session
10:00 am – 11:15 am Regular Session II: Identity and Justice
Making a Case for Identity Networks: A Relational Reconceptualization of Identity Theory (Caroline V. Brooks)
Comparing the Social Intelligence of Affect Control Theory and ChatGPT (Dawn T Robinson, Zara Jillani, Aahana Shankaran, and Makayla Stephens)
Inequality and Justice in Europe in 1991 and 2018 (Guillermina Jasso and Yoshimichi Sato)
To Be “Cared for” or Not: The Pivotal Roles of Resources and Belongingness on Burnout in the Workplace (Ryan A. Gibson, Karen Hegtvedt, Cathy Johnson, and Kate Hawks)
11:15 am – 11:30 am Break and Gather for Next Session
11:30 am – noon Flash Presentations
Burnout as Affect Control (Benjamin Fields)
The Role of Identity Verification, Salience, and Prominence in Distributive Justice Processes (Tenshi Kawashima)
Noon – 1:30 pm Lunch
1:30 pm – 2:30 pm Roundtables
Roundtable I: Anti- and Pro-Social Projects
Happy Hazing? How Fraternity Involvement Influences Hazing Intervention Behaviors in College Students (Haley Crews)
Disentangling the Effects of Power and Status on Prosocial Behaviors in the Workplace (Paola M. Tamayo)
Pathways of Influence: Neighborhood Characteristics, Discrimination, and Dimensions of the Self-Concept (Cynthia Emami)
Roundtable II: ACT and Networks
Emotionally Speaking: Emotion Measurement in Affect Control Theory (Vasundhara Kaul, Trenton Mize, and Robin Stryker
Self-Meanings of the Racial Identity Across Race, Gender, and Income and their Intersections (Justin Huft and Jan Stets)
2:30 pm – 2:45 pm Break and Gather for Next Session
2:45 – 3:55 pm Regular Session III: Status
Unpacking Microaggressions: Insights from Status Characteristics Theory (Malissa Alinor)
Status Under Threat (Will Kalkhoff, Josh Pollock, Matt Pfeiffer, Haley Crews, Graem Sigelmier, Chloe Miller, Jon Overton, Daniel Burrill, Brennan Miller, and Christopher Moore)
What Does It Take to Spread? Behavioral Enactment, Norm Violation, and Role-Based Status Diffusion (Yujia Lyu)
The Taco Tuesday Effect: How Task-Based Expectations Shape Behavior in Non-Task Settings (Zara Jillani and Joseph Dippong)
4:00 pm – 5:00 pm Special Session: Tribute to One of Our Founding Fathers: Joseph Berger, Organized by Cecilia Ridgeway
Murray Webster (as read by Lisa Walker)
Martha Foschi
David Wagner
Alison Bianchi
Edward Lawler
5:00 pm Announcements and Wrap-Up